Sunday, 29 December 2024

The Grand Finale - Days 23 and 24 and My Christmas Vacation

I left for vacation (more about that later) on the 21st so brought 22 - 24 with me. I revealed 22 but here are the last two.

Ecru and DMC 310 floss and 3 candies.

Project bag tags and a marking pen.
That was fun. I thought Marlene from Pastime Pieces did a great job with this box. 

I ordered a 'Christmas Mystery Box' from Simona Bussiglieri of Mani di Donna back in October. 

She just mailed them at the beginning of December which, of course, was the middle of our Canadian postal strike. I am still waiting for its delivery.

On another topic, I was intrigued by the Flannel Scarf I saw on the Gusto Wool Facebook page

so I ordered the pattern today.

Now comes the delicious task of deciding what yarns to use. I remembered I have this Paintbox Gradient bunch of mini skeins that I purchased at the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival eight years ago. It's from Fiber Optic Yarns and is Bitter Lime to Rose 0715 colourway. There are 15 thirty yard mini skeins for a total of 450 yards. 
It's 80% superwash merino, 10% cashmere, and 10% nylon. 

I plan to use this raspberry-coloured yarn for the contrast. 
I believe it also was a Rhinebeck purchase lo those many years ago. 

The scarf only uses 50g of each yarn so I'm not sure how I'll use the gradient - half of each colour? I want to work all the colours but don't need a scarf 12 feet long. I may get this cast on tonight.

Yesterday I returned from a week in the Dominican Republic near Samaná at the Bahía Principe Grand El Portillo. I was accompanied by my niece Rosa, her husband, Darryl, and their two adult offspring, Derek and Andrea. Also with us was Andrea's fiancé, Chris, his parents, Jane and Paul, and his two cousins, Sam and Alex, and Alex' wife, Amanda. 11 in all. I was invited to join the group right after Skip's death so didn't have to worry at all about how I'd spend Christmas. 

We all gathered at the airport on the afternoon of December 21, at our departure gate. Chris' family arriving from east of Toronto had  arrived first. We had been messaging back and forth that week - excited about our upcoming trip and looking at some Facebook photos, I was able to recognize them. They said they had hogged reserved a couple of tables at the gate. I introduced myself to my new friends and shortly thereafter the rest of the gang who had come from the west showed up.

Earlier that week we  had received notice that our flight was changed from 7:30am to 3:15pm. The good news was that I needed the airport limo (an SUV, really) for 11am rather than 3am. The bad news was we lost the complete first day at the resort and arrived in the dark.

When I checked in online 24h before, I was able to switch my seat to an aisle seat near the front of the plane. The rest of my companions were closer to the rear of the plane.

I was very glad to have my own room. I could get up whenever, nap whenever, watch TV whenever and not bother anyone. My lodgings were very near the lobby and buffet restaurant - very handy. Sam was next to me, Alex and Amanda were downstairs from Sam, Jane and Paul were in the same building and Derek was in the next building. 

The beach was lovely with many lounge chairs and either palapas or palm trees for shade. There were also lots of chairs around the adjacent swimming pool. I preferred the beach and was usually able to find a place to sit or lounge in the shade. It was a very relaxing time.

It did rain a lot, though. Most days either the morning or afternoon it rained and last Thursday it rained all day. We had planned a boat trip to a secluded beach for that day which had to be cancelled. The beach was pretty deserted in the rain so I just parked myself under a palapa, listened to an audiobook, and generally vegged out.

The entire week was very relaxing. The members of my multigenerational group were all very interesting and affable folks. We all were happy to be in an idyllic setting for the week. 

Darryl, Derek, Jane, Paul, Alex, Amanda, me, Sam, Chris, Andrea, Rosa

Our return yesterday went pretty well. Once in Toronto, we all got through Customs and Immigration thanks to our ArriveCan apps on our phones. All our luggage made it, too. I bid farewell to my family members and new friends and headed for the train to Terminal 1 to get on the UP Express to Union. It was right there when I got to the platform. 25 minutes later I arrived at Union Station. Because I had a suitcase, I wanted to find an elevator to take me to track level at the GO station. I knew there wasn't an elevator to track 12 at the York Concourse so walked over to the Bay Concourse and found one to take me up to track 11. The train was already there so I located the accessible platform and just rolled onto the train.

When we got to Rouge Hill, the train didn't continue on right away. We were delayed there for about half an hour - not what I needed after travelling all day. Then we started moving again but it was announced that after the Pickering station the train was going to travel express to Oshawa and not stopping at Ajax and Whitby. Those wanting to go to those two places would need to get off the train in Pickering and wait for the next train which would take us to Ajax and Whitby. 

At Pickering, I rolled off again. After about 15 minutes, the next train came and took us the rest of the way. All this time I was texting my kind neighbour, who was going to retrieve me from the GO station in Whitby, about the delay. Finally I arrived in Whitby, heaved my suitcase into my neighbour's car and she drove me home.

I really enjoy travelling but like the saying goes, "There's no place like home".

I stayed in bed, dozing off and listening to an audiobook until almost 11am this morning. It was so cozy. I had breakfast and did a bit of unpacking. The house is in disarray and it will take me a couple of days to get things somewhat back in order. 

This afternoon Alexa had our Tuesday night group over to her house for a get-together and to get caught up on what everyone has been doing. Tomorrow is stitching in the morning but first I need to call my dentist. His office is closed but hopefully there is a number of an on call dentist who can help me out...

Let me back up a bit. I was supposed to get a crown put on a couple of weeks ago but because of the postal strike, the couriers were overwhelmed and the crown didn't arrive on time. The temporary had come loose so I went in anyway and had the dentist secure it more firmly until the permanent one arrived. The next week (the week before my trip), a hunk of the adjacent tooth broke off, leaving a sharp edge that lacerated my tongue. When I called to have it fixed, I learned my permanent crown had arrived so I went in the next day to have it put in and the sharp edge on the adjacent tooth smoothed out. It was determined that that tooth also would need a crown which would be started in the new year. 

Last Tuesday at the resort, while I was flossing my teeth, a huge hunk of filling broke off the same adjacent tooth, again leaving a razor-sharp edge. Thank goodness I had brought a bunch of sugar free gum because I used wads of it to fill the gap and cover the sharp edge. Unfortunately when I was eating or drinking and the gum wasn't in place, I couldn't talk as it was too painful. For once, I was a good listener during our conversations at meals. The rest of the day, I had gum filing the hole, even overnight. 

Once at home, I located some orthodontic wax left over from when Skip had braces almost 20 years ago. Ahhhhh. It really helped the situation. Unfortunately, there wasn't a lot of it and again, when I'd start to eat, the wax would dislodge and I ended up swallowing it with my food. 

Long story short, I have ordered the same brand of orthodontic wax on Amazon and it is arriving tomorrow evening sometime. I tried a Shoppers Drug Mart and a Dollarama this afternoon but they didn't have it in stock. 

Hopefully some dentist will kindly interrupt their vacation this week and file down the sharp edge so I can be pain free until the process for the crown gets underway. In the meantime, I'll tough it out with the orthodontic wax.

Sunday, 22 December 2024

Days 21 and 22

Yesterday’s offering was another skein of hand-dyed floss:

I’ll have to check and see if it is one of the colours for one of the Advent stitchy box patterns.


Treats!! ☕️  

Friday, 20 December 2024

Days 19 and 20 and Dawdling

I knew yesterday's offering was metal because another package kept sticking to it magnetically.

It was a tart tin and circle template that could be used for finishing the Snowman Ornament or any other of that ilk.
Today's had the magnet that kept stitching to yesterday's tart tin.
A very handy, magnetic hook.
The rest of the morning I've been goofing off when I should be doing some work around here. I seem to have fallen into that habit in the mornings I don't have an appointment that takes me out of the house. I have so many ways I entertain myself: doing puzzles, watching YouTube videos, lurking on social media, corresponding with folks via email and texts, planning my next projects, etc. When I was going to elementary school, my mom used to have to 'encourage' me to 'get a move on' as I'd be dawdling in my room before getting out the door to school. Now, I'm usually late to informal things because I get caught up in goofing off.

For an upcoming trip, the flight was to be at 7:30am. I booked an airport limo. Then we got word that the departure time was changed to 3:15pm. The good news was that I could cancel the limo and just take public transit to the airport. The bad news was we'd be missing our entire first day at the resort.

I started stressing about how busy things would be getting to the airport during the holidays and decided this morning to rebook a limo. I'll reserve the public transit conveyances for when I return home. My neighbour again has kindly offered to pick me up from the GO station.

Because of the change of departure time (more than 6 hours), we may be compensated between $250 and $700. One of the persons in our group is looking into that. There is a passenger's 'bill of rights' called  Air Passenger Protection Regulations. We'll see what comes of it.

Now I must 'get a move on' and quit dawdling.

Wednesday, 18 December 2024

Day 18

As I predicted, today's offering

was two pretty blue colours of DMC and some Aida cloth which can be used for the Cozy Snowman Ornament from yesterday's package.

If I were to stitch this project, I'd probably use linen or an evenweave of some type. 

Yesterday I went into The Big City to meet Scooter for a visit and an early supper. We just ate at the food court at Union Station; nothing fancy. He's in the process of moving back to his mom's and will be completely out of his apartment at the end of the month. He has plans to go to Portugal for a couple of month in February so I look forward to following him on his travels.

My 5 year-old laptop has been acting up; not connecting properly to the Wi-Fi network. I thought I'd take it in to get checked out then figured for what it would cost me to get it fixed, and considering its age, I might as well just buy a new laptop. I found a deal at an electronics big box store but the only place the desired model was in stock was way across town. I beetled over there last night and got the last one. Remembering the hassle of transferring programs, etc. from one to another laptop, I signed up for the transfer service, too. The plan was to take the laptop in within 30 days for the transfer.

Once home, I unpacked the new laptop and fired it up. Except for a few things, it's very similar to my old one. AND since most of my stuff was stored in cyber space, the transfer went surprisingly easily. I've had to adapt to a new browser as I can't seem to find the old one and my preferred photo editing program, Picasa, no longer exists for download. I have to adapt to some other photo editing procedure. Not too difficult, just a bit of a learning curve. 

The night before, in anticipation of the old laptop completely crashing, I transferred all the Pictures and Documents to an external hard drive. So i'm pretty much up and running with the new one. I'll return to the big box store and get a refund for the transfer service I don't need.

Today I didn't have to get up for anything so slept in a bit. After breakfast I set to the task of fully finishing a Christmas ornament I finished stitching and embellishing months ago. For such a small thing, it usually takes me at least two hours to complete all the steps:
  • cutting the cardboard for mounting
  • finding and cutting the batting
  • cutting the ornament into a circle with 3/4" border
  • selecting the fabric for the back of the ornament
  • spraying adhesive on the cardboard so the batting won't slip
  • stitch running stitches around the stitching  
  • centering the stitching and batting on the cardboard
  • pulling the running stitches yo-yo style to mount everything on the mounting cardboard
  • repeating this for the fabric for the back of the ornament
  • locate the glue and glue the back and front together, securing with Wonder Clips
  • making the cording
  • attaching the cording with glue in the channel around the edge, leaving a loop at the top for hanging.
  • sewing the top and bottom of the cording into place.
  • creating and attaching the bow
  • attaching the date charm to the back
  • unravelling the bottom threads and pressing out the twist.
Again, nothing is difficult, just a lot of fiddly steps. And yes, I attached HotFix 'jewels' for the bling factor instead of beads.

It's my version of last year's Christmas Wreath Ornament from Mary Corbet. It's a free pattern and I stitched two of them using Sticky Fabri-Solvy on which I'd printed the design rather than trying to trace the design onto the fabric with a light box. I made the second design a little bigger by changing the settings on my printer. It's all stitched but won't get FFOd this year. 

Tonight is our guild's Christmas get together and ornament exchange, hence my need to FFO this ornament. I just need to wrap it.

Now that I have FFOd another project, I am free to start stitching a new one. I have a couple of others I've been working on so I'll reserve a new one for during or after the holidays.

Days 15 - 17

I had to take a break from posting the last couple of days. I had a major malfunction of my laptop and couldn't get it to use a browser. It was almost 6 years old so I figured it would be money better spent getting a new one rather than trying to fix the old one. 

Last night I transferred all the Documents and Photos to an external hard drive in preparation for getting a new laptop. Fortunately, there was a sale on the one I wanted: 15.6" screen, 1TB SSD hard drive, 16GB RAM, etc. It's basically my previous one, just upgraded a bit. I also purchased the service to transfer everything but when I got the new one home, everything transferred quite nicely as everything was in 'the cloud' or some cyber storage place. I will return to the store tomorrow to get a refund on the transfer service I don't need. 

Day 15

A microwave bowl caddy.
Day 16
soup mix. Just add an onion, zucchini, bacon that has been cooked and chopped, a can of diced tomatoes, and a bunch of spinach.  
and today, Day 17
another pattern designed by Marlene,
including the snowman button.

Tomorrow evening is the guild's Christmas get together and ornament exchange. I have my ornament stitched I just need to fully finish it. It's not hard to do, it just takes a couple of hours to assemble all the necessary tools and materials. I don't like leaving things to the last minute but sometimes it can't be helped. 

Mundane stuff now...

I've been frequenting my dentist's office quite a bit lately. Before my trip, I had the prep work done for a crown and a temporary one installed. It usually takes a couple of weeks for the permanent crown to be created and shipped back to my dentist from the west end of Toronto. 

After I got home, the temporary crown came off. I put it back in place but it came off again the next day. I called the dentist to see if it could be affixed more firmly again as I was afraid I'd swallow it while eating or sleeping. The permanent crown appointment was for the next day so I thought I could hang on 'til then but somehow my permanent crown and those of three other patients were in a Purolater depot somewhere between Etobicoke and Oshawa. So instead of putting on the permanent crown, I went in and had the temp attached more firmly. Fingers were crossed the permanent crown would show up before my dentist went on holidays.  He put in a rush order for another one to be created.

Then two days ago, a hunk of the adjacent tooth broke off, leaving a really sharp area on the lingual (tongue) side of the molar. This was lacerating my tongue so I called the dentist to see if I could get in to get the thing filed down, filled, or patched somehow. Lo and behold, my permanent crown arrived so I went in to have it installed AND the adjacent tooth filed down. It looks like that adjacent tooth will need a crown in the new year. My dental insurance only covers part of one crown per year so we'll probably get working on it before my next cleaning appointment in April or sooner if it bothers me.

Saturday, 14 December 2024

Day 14 and a Lot More (mostly Stream of Consciousness)

Today’s offering: a zipper pull or stitch marker

While in Innsbruck, we had some time to explore and shop on our own. On the main square where we were meeting up was a yarn and fabric shop, Kapferer. They had some lovely embroidered goods, fabrics, and upstairs sewing notions and yarn.

Their window display is what caught my eye.

What?? Yarn on the cozy chair?? I had to explore…
Early on our trip a fellow knitter asked me if I had knit my hat. She, too, was wearing a Musselburgh. Rebecca and I became instant knit buddies.
She also sported her striped, Where’s Waldo scarf and I wore my green Swallowail shawlette and Latvian mittens.

I knew I had to find her and tell her about the yarn shop. 

Once I found her, we went inside to explore. A couple of days earlier, one of the ladies selling her hand-knit items at a booth showed me the yarn she was using to knit a pair of socks. I certainly don’t need to add to my sock yarn stash but this yarn had yak content. You don’t see that every day. I was intrigued.

(Scroll down to red text to avoid knitting content)

I found it at Kapferer! Regia 4-ply Merino Yak Color - 58% merino wool, 28% nylon, 14% yak. 
And the label gives the name for wool in 24 languages, nylon in 18, and yak in 14!
I have never seen this yarn here in North America. Granted I haven’t really been doing any yarn shopping in the last 10 or 15 years except for particular projects.

With that amount of nylon content, the socks should be very durable. The yak and merino content will make them very cozy.

When I knit a heel flap/wedge heel, I usually do an eye of partridge (EOP) pattern - a staggered rib as follows;

Row 1:* sl1, K1. Repeat from * to the last stitch, K1.
Row 2: Sl1, Purl
Row 3: Sl1, *Sl1, K1. Repeat from * to the last stitch, K1.
Row 4: Sl1, Purl

Repeat these 4 rows until the heel flap is square.

After that, I knit to 1 stitch past the centre, K2tog, K1 and turn. 

Then I continue the EOP until I’ve decreased back down to the desired number of sts for the foot:
Purl row: Sl1 purl to end.
Row 1: *Sl1, K1. Repeat until 1 st before the gap, K2tog, K1
Row 2: Sl1, purl to end.
Row 3: Sl1, * Sl1, K1. Repeat from * to 1 st before the gap, k2tog, K1
Row 4: Sl1, Purl to end

This gives you a double thickness on the bottom of the heel (where I wear holes in mine).

If you also wear holes on the balls of your feet, you could do the EOP on the sole sts when you get to that part of the foot, maintaining the pattern for the top of the foot.

Wow! I sure digressed there. But I hope you got my drift.

Oh ya, the old town square where the yarn shop was is also where the building with the famed Golden Roof is located. Maximilian I had it built between 1497 and 1500.

There are 2,657 gilded copper shingles, and fresco and relief decorations. 

Even the sewer access covers depict the Golden Roof as well as the ski jump as Innsbruck hosted the Winter Olympics in 1964 and 1976.

Around the old town, children’s stories are depicted on buildings’ exteriors, for example, Rapunzel’s long braid:
and Pinocchio’s illuminated nose:
This whole building’s facade looked like an Advent calendar.
That night, after a delicious meal, we attended a Tyrolean show. There was lots of singing, yodeling, accordion and zither playing, and dancing. But the highlight for me was the alphorns.(tap the play button twice)

I was hoping they’d ask for a volunteer from the audience to play one. It would have been my opportunity to reprise my epic alphorn playing in 1981 on a boat cruise on Lake Lucern.

Sadly, they didn’t call me up.

Next stop, sunny Lindau, Germany. A delightful little island in Bodensee aka Lake Constance.

Last night was supposed to be a meteor shower. I went outside and in spite of the cloudless sky, full moon, and all the ambient light in my suburban locale, I actually saw one, the first thing I got out there. 

Friday, 13 December 2024

Some Assembly Required

I ordered a mobile bookshelf from Amazon to organize my painting supplies. This is how I had been storing them. Higglety pigglety.

It arrived the next day - a box in a box. The instructions were pretty decipherable so I set to work. The necessary tools were included - a wee Philips screwdriver and a little wrench for tightening the casters. 

The screws would NOT go into the holes so I had to resort to using my cordless drill with the extra long Philips bit and a LOT of downward pressure. The extra power was required to force the screws into the holes.

Thank GOD the casters went in easily because there’s no way I could have exerted enough torque to get them into place. I was actually able to use the cheesy little wrench to tighten them up.

Much better. 
I might even do some painting this weekend.