I've been on a real sock knitting jag lately. Yesterday I finished the Christmas stocking.
I may retire my 1961 stocking and claim this one. At least this one is somewhat stretchy so Santa will be able to cram lots of goodies into it.
This evening I finished the Charade II sock knit with AraucanÃa Ranco Multy yarn.
Tomorrow is the Stitch 'n Pitch game. I have to figure out what to take to knit. I guess another sock would be a good idea. As I use the 'magic loop' (one circular needle), I wouldn't have to worry about dropping a needle. But if I find shorter 3.75mm needles to use on the bamboo drop stitch scarf, I'll take it.
I did two Zumba classes today. I drank tons of liquids and did a lot of sweating. I like to think I'm sweating fat right out of my pores. The second class with my favourite instructor, Laura, ran without any breaks between tunes. That definitely kept my heart rate up. If I get up in time tomorrow, I'll go to the 9:30am BodyPump (weight-lifting) class.
I downloaded from iTunes and watched the last night's 2nd episode of Season 3 of "Mad Men" today. What a show! I'm not sure why a couple of scenes were included but I'm sure it will become abundantly clear as the season unfolds. I love the sets and costumes and the drama is gripping. The various story lines could go in any direction at this point. I eagerly look forward to next week's installment.
*finished objects
Great looking Christmas stocking!