Sunday, 16 March 2025

Cardinal’s Winter - Stitching is Done

I finished stitching this last Monday. 

I only got as far as pressing it - it’s still sitting on the pressing mat. I want to add some ‘bling’ with small, clear HotFix ‘jewels’ before I fully finish it. I really like the colours.

Not sure if I’ll do a flatfold or a hanging piece. 

The 4th lacy neck ring (and second yellow one) responded well to blocking. 
It has now been liberated from the wires and pins and looks very spiffy. Didn’t get a photo, though.

I was rummaging through my winter wear - so many scarves and pairs of mittens. I came across these gigantic earmuffs. A little much? I think they’re hilarious.
I’m so pleased I can wear the lopapeysur (Icelandic sweaters) that I knit for Skip. This is Afmaeli - a free pattern from Alafoss using Lett-Lopi. Instead of the ribbed collar and cuffs, I used the rolled collar and cuffs from Riddari. 

Basically, after casting on, knit 6 rounds of stocking stitch, then 5 or 6 rounds of ribbing. Then start the colourwork. The stocking stitch naturally rolls.

Most of the snow has melted. I’ve topped up the bird feeders and have been seeing chickadees, red-breasted nuthatches, and grackles enjoying them. I flung a couple of hands full of seeds on the ground and the squirrel is enjoying them as well. Spring is only a week away.

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