Wednesday 1 May 2013

Online Knitting Magazines

Many publications are going the online route. Knitting publications are no exception. And some are only available online and not in print format. I'm going to touch on some of the ones I know about. By no means is this an extensive list nor have I reviewed them in any detail but you may find them interesting to peruse.

One of the most widely-known knitting emags is and KnittySpin which is a great resource for hand spinners. And they're free! It comes out about 4 times a year with a 'surprise' between each issue. The patterns are archived.

Twist Collective is a beautiful emag. Patterns range between $6 and $8 each. There are regular articles and features. It comes out about 6 times a year as well.

I just found this online knitting magazine, Skein Theory. It is published twice a year and the entire collection of 16 patterns can be purchased for $16 or individual patterns for $6.50. Check it out!

KnitCircus publishes weekly. Jaala Spiro also has a blog, podcast and a line of her hand-dyed yarn (including gradient yarns) on Etsy.

Clara Parkes publishes Knitter's Review weekly and keeps on top of all the current fibrey trends and upcoming events. She has reviews and articles. She is also featured with Eunny Jang on Knitting Daily TV.

Petite Purls offers free quality knitted patterns for children and is published 4 times a year.

Of course, several print knitting magazines have their online versions as well. If you want to save storage space and don't mind not having a print magazine in your hand, it makes sense to subscribe to digital versions of the magazines.

1 comment:

  1. There are a couple here I need to investigate. I have an extensive collection of Vogue Knitting collecting dust.....I think they are headed for the recycle more magazines!
