Tuesday 25 July 2023

A Couple of Nice Things

I got the rest of the blue shimmer hexies sewn together and trimmed. They're measured by the length of one side so these are all 3/4" hexies. The finished piece measures about 14" x 10". 

This fabric was the inspiration. The 3/4" templates fit perfectly on a 2" WOF strip. I have lots of fabric left to use for more hexies or to coordinate with the stitched piece. The fabric was purchased at the Bolts and Bobbins garage sale last month that Jen1 and I attended.
Out in the garden this morning I saw a female black swallowtail butterfly (I had to look it up in my butterfly book) land on a tomato plant. She stayed there for over a half hour.

The echinacea are still looking great. I love the perfect, pollen-bearing anther rings.
The bee enjoyed it too. 
I have plans to embroider this little piece. I want to practice a bit before undertaking the kit I bought from Beaks and Bobbins.
I have most of the necessary materials in my stash but I still want to buy a water soluble marker for tracing the pattern.

Yesterday we got the results from Skip's CT scan. They were disappointing so he will start another course of treatment today with a new IV drug and will be reassessed in early October. In the meantime we are making things as comfortable and enjoyable as we can within the scope of what he can tolerate. 

We still have so many things to be grateful for: the short distance to drive to the hospital; being comfortable with all the routines that have been established; friends that check in frequently and are always ready to help; Skip still being able to get around and up the stairs to our house; Skip's good appetite, ability to sleep well, and nap as needed; Skip's arthritic pain being managed adequately; a beautiful garden to enjoy in the cooler parts of the day; etc. etc.  Focusing on the positive things helps us continue to appreciate the days we have together.

My crafty pursuits soothe me and provide a creative outlet which I seem to be craving lately. I am thankful that most of the materials I need are already in my stash. My Monday morning stitching group is a great way to start every week and I've been able to get Skip's appointments changed so I can still attend them. I've even had the energy to attend my Wednesday night spinning/knitting/crochet group the last little while. Every couple of weeks there's a daytime stitching event with my cadre of stitching peeps - these events are like breathing pure oxygen for me and excellent for my mental health.


  1. Great post! Can hardly wait to see what you make with the heroes!
