We all learned that a slower speed with the spade bit reduces the amount of flying pumpkin 'schrapnel'.
Skip carved his usual 'vomiting pumpkin' (pictured in the centre). It is always a hit with the neighbourhood children (and their parents).
We often reminisce about the conversation that took place one Hallow's Eve a few years back. Skip had carved his first vomiting pumpkin and it was proudly on display on the front step. A little girl dressed, not surprisingly, as a princess and no more than 4 years old, came to the door. She took one look at Skip's contribution to the Hallowe'en décor and said in a high pitched 4-year-old voice looking at Skip, "Did you make that?". To which Skip responded to the affirmative. Without missing a beat she observed, "Looks like it ate too many seeds". I burst out laughing from the other room.
All 'artistes' sketch their works of art before rendering them in final form. Here is a shot of Skip's sketch torn from his 'sketchbook'.
I need to 'get cracking' and finish MY pumpkin.
Only 6 more sleeps 'til Hallowe'en!
LOL..Luv to see that pumpkin with the 'vomit'. Geri who is Scooter? Son...grandson?