Thursday 5 October 2017

Feeling Lazy

I find it takes me about a week to recover from an active trip or long drive. This trip recovery has been no exception.

I haven't accomplished a heck of a lot but I have been stitching away on my Bryggen cross-stitch.
Once I get the buildings done, I can start the wharf and boats.

I attended the Warkworth Spinners and Weavers' Spin In in Campbellford on Tuesday. It is always held the first Tuesday of October and I have attended many times.

Two years ago we filled the hall with about 90 people. Last year was significantly fewer - maybe 60 and this year even fewer. I think everyone was surprised at how few people turned up. This year no one from my group won a thing! And I had even bought raffle and 50/50 tickets. I think the guild will be re-thinking how they advertise the event. I know I have trouble finding anything about it online.

While in Campbellford, we went to the Empire Cheese Factory where I bought some cheese curds, 4yr. old cheddar and garlic aioli spread. Yum! I also popped into the thrift shop downtown and picked up 3 pairs of blue jeans @ $1 each (no tax) for a denim quilt I want to make.

We have nothing planned for Thanksgiving this weekend but we may go into the city to see Scooter and perhaps take in a movie.

1 comment:

  1. Your account of your trip takes me back. We spent time in Bergen and the old quarter then when we went to Norway many years ago. We were struck by the whale meat on sale on the market stalls.
