Thursday 28 February 2008

One More Day...

Today we went birding at the convention centre. It was low tide and FANTASTIC birding conditions. We saw a lone cinnamon teal and a group of 6 black-bellied whistling ducks sunning themselves in the little pond by the small boardwalk. Unfortunately I left the condo without the battery in my camera so I didn't get any pictures! The clapper rail was out and about

and there were tons of shore birds. We had never seen the tide so low. I also spotted a common loon. It was so shallow that the loon was just scooting itself under the surface of the water to catch its meal. The marbled godwit was also very close to the boardwalk. The wind was also starting to pick up. We tore ourselves away to go for lunch before our golf game.

The wind was really blowing by the time we teed off. It really felt cooler with the wind even though it was 24C. We saw a mallard on the golf course - no vermilion flycatchers this time. On the way back to the island we stopped in at the arroyo perpendicular to the shipping channel where we always see people fishing. There were many black-necked stilts, some skimmers, greater yellowlegs, gulls and many little shorebirds. We dropped into the condo to pick up the battery for the camera and then headed back to the convention centre. There I got a picture of a black-bellied whistling duck:

And there was a solitary pied-bill grebe.

In the garden we saw a clay-coloured sparrow

and a common yellowthroat.

We look happy now

but will be very sad when we have to leave.

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