Friday 9 February 2018

Starry Night Continued... TV Guide apps and Good Eats

I finished the colourwork

and have completed the waist decreases. I'm now knitting a few more rounds before starting the increases. The stocking stitch is pretty monotonous but it's great for watching opening ceremonies of the Olympics.

I'm over half finished the body.

I'm trying to decide if I'll order a longer circular to do the yoke as there will be 436 sts in a round at the bottom of the yoke.

Down here, not surprisingly, the channels are all different numbers than at home. I discovered the (free) TV Guide app can be programmed for the local area and service provider. It's great for trying to find shows I want to watch that I would normally PVR at home. We have 2 HD TVs but no PVR.

Skip and I went into Brownsville today to pick up another pay-as-you-go cell phone to use down here. On the way we stopped at on of our favourite restaurants - Emilia's. We love it there because we get a 3-course meal and excellent Mexican music.

I ordered tacos de bifstek al carbon (Mexican beefsteak tacos). First comes the sopa de fideo (noodle soup)
then the 6 tacos in soft corn tortillas with charro beans, avocado, onion, cilantro, and queso fresco (literally 'fresh cheese) with a side of limes. The onion is in the foil ball.
Then for dessert, there is a choice of cake or flan. I always pick the flan. It is about 1.5" x 1.5" square.

All of this for $6.99US. We couldn't eat it all so each brought home 3 tacos which we'll be reheating for supper.

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