Friday 10 November 2023

... Hear Me Roar

 I haven't done much stitching since last posting. I did, however, tackle some jobs around the house. My neighbour came over with his leaf blower and blew all our leaves to the boulevard. First I did a bit of raking but on Skip's advice, I took out the mulching lawn mower to mulch them up and put them into yard waste bags. 

I don't think I've ever started the lawn mower without Skip supervising. Nothing happened with the first couple of pulls. I took me a while to remember which of the two levers was the 'dead man's switch'. Once I figured that out, the thing started right away. Winning!

I began trying to mulch the leaves on the boulevard but didn't seem to have the grass catcher bag hooked up properly. After a few unsuccessful attempts I figured it out, hoping to God that none of the neighbours were witnessing my failed attempts. After about one pass, the grass catcher was full so I'd empty the bag and carry on. Thank goodness the mower always started on the first pull after stopping to empty the bag. I ended up filling 5 yard waste bags and dragged them to the curb to join the others which are supposed to be picked up some time this month.

Normally they'd be collected on our garbage day every other week but our town employees are on strike. I did a run to the garbage drop off last week but our yard waste is going to be at the curb for a while.

The gigantic tree on the boulevard holds onto its leaves into December so I'll have at least one more leaf mulching event this season. All the neighbour's leaves (not pictured) got blown onto the street. I'm not sure who they think is going to clean them up.

While I was outside, I decided to take the summer tires out of Skip's car. After swapping them out, we store the unused ones in our garage. However, the tire caddy had plastic bag (from the wrapped tires) wrapped around one of the wheels, seizing it up, making moving the caddy quite difficult. It took me at least 30 min to dig the plastic out. With the caddy being fully functional again, I heaved the tires out of Skip's car and onto the caddy. With strategic positioning, this wasn't that difficult a task - much easier than putting them into the car. Scooter helped me with that last Sunday.

I felt great having completed those tasks. I think all this work around the house is making me more fit. I don't huff and puff as much as I used to. I may even tackle the leaves on the road in front of our house one of these days.

This week I also visited my doctor for my Pap smear and Shingles shot. The second shot will be in 2 months. Earlier that morning I visited the dentist and had the work done to prepare for a crown on my I-6 molar (one of the top right ones). I will get the permanent crown installed in a couple of weeks.

This was Skip's week off treatment but because the hospital is taking a Remembrance Day holiday on Monday, his radiation planning, bloodwork and visit to the medical oncologist are this afternoon. 

So that's about all I did this week. Not much stitching but Jeanette has invited some of us to her place for a stitching day tomorrow so I'll get some done then.

1 comment:

  1. what a hard week of work for you Geri, good job you are doing , looking forward to seeing you Sat where you can relax and stitch,
