Monday 4 June 2007

Monday, Monday

Today was a good day at work. The chiller is keeping things cool even though it could conk out at any time. I did have an on-call (where I look after another colleague's class while they coach a sport, etc.) during half of my prep. period but I took my sock to knit. After school was my last staff meeting.

I stopped into The Source on the way home from work to see if they had any more 'golf' 1GB flash drives. They were out of them but expected to get more in this week. I also had a look at transmitters to play the iPod through the car speakers. I'm going to ask lots of questions and then see what eBay has to offer.

This evening I went to the library to pick up a couple of books on CD to put on my mp3 player. I haven't figured out the best, most efficient way to do it so I'm kind of stabbing in the dark. I did manage to get one of the two disks of 'The Vagina Monologues' on the mp3 player. I also checked out two books, "The Joy of Knitting" by Lisa R. Myers and "The Twisted Sisters Sock Workbook" by Lynne Vogel.

After that I went to Canadian Tire to find screening and spline to replace our front door screen. Whilst (I love using that word) there, I investigated the cost of patio furniture for our deck. Boy, has it come down in price since even last year! Skip and I will go shopping for a table and 4 chairs some evening this week.

I did a little bit of knitting on the bathmat after supper. It is about half done now. Will post a picture tomorrow as I am too tired and it's too late to do it now.

1 comment:

  1. Hey GEri!

    My friend has this amazing little contraption that allows her mp3 player to play through her car stereo by way of hooking it up to a special CASSETTE TAPE. It inserts into the cassette deck, and a small wire hangs out of the deck to connect to your iPod. I was AMAZED at how well it worked! That might be the best way to go, if you have one of those in your car!
