Saturday 27 February 2010

Mittens in Review

I finished my third pair of mittens on this trip. When I knit the second replacement mitten I forgot to insert the waste yarn for the thumb. Rather than rip back to insert it, I decided to press on and just insert it like any other after-thought thumb.

I blocked them and the other two pair a bit with a steam iron.

To avoid having to weave in a bunch of ends (two per colour change) I wove them in as I went. The finishing went a lot faster that way.

So I took all three pair outside to get a good photo:
We're heading for home tomorrow so we're starting to pack. Of course we have beautiful weather today (altho' still coolish) but it's supposed to go up to 25C on Monday and the rest of next week.

I'm pretty pleased with my 2010 Knitting Olympics results having completed two pairs of mittens. Today I'm trying to decide what will be my project for the drive home.


  1. Have a safe trip back. See you Thursday. Weather here has been really crappy - snow, blowing, melting, snow, etc. Highs forecast above zero (barely) for the next 2 weeks and looks like no snow after Monday. I'll keep my fingers crossed. Talk to you during the trip back. - VI

  2. Beautiful work Geri...I luv those red mittens!
    Safe driving back!
