Wednesday 8 September 2010

Odds and Ends

I got buttons on the Provence Baby Cardigan. The colour looks like lilac but it's really a soft pink.
I've been puttering away on some Halloween stitching. So far, I've done a couple of small freebies.

Spooky Time is from Lizzie Kate. It measures 2 1/16" x 3 1/2". I couldn't get very good colour in this photo.
And this is Lizzie Kate's Spooky Patch. The stitched area measures 2 5/16" x 2 5/16". They're stitched on 14 count black Aida cloth.
I'm a somwhat lazy stitcher. Anything that was to be black, I didn't stitch with black floss. I just let the black canvas show. I'm also waiting for some spider charms that I ordered on eBay to arrive to attach to both pieces.

1 comment:

  1. The photograph of the baby cardigan is better for taking it outside. I took some pics outdoors and I remember from other photos that natural light is the best light.
