Friday 13 April 2012


While on the 17-day cruise, I had quite quite a bit of time to knit during our 8 full days at sea.

I finished the Katwijker Frok socks.
It was a pretty simple 4 row pattern.
I think it's a unisex design.

I then started another pair of Practice Makes Perfect socks using Regia Kaffe Fassett Design Line yarn. I wore my last pair out so need a replacement as they were my favourite socks. These socks are my own design inspired by the cables from Fiona Ellis' 'Practice Makes Perfect' scarf from her book, "Inspired Cables".
I used my favourite eye of partridge heel and a K1, sl1 stitch on the bottom of the heel for a few centimetres. I then continued a 2 x 2 6 row cable down each side of the foot.
I've finished the gusset decreases on the 2nd one and am working on the foot.

I also finished Wingspan that I knit with Katia Darling sock yarn. I haven't blocked it yet but it looks lovely as is.
Hmm, I seem to continue to gravitate towards blues...

I had two balls of the Katia Darling yarn and cast on using the recommended 90sts. There are supposed to be 8 wedges in the completed project. I didn't finish the 4th one before using up half the yarn (one ball). So I frogged it and started again, casting on 75sts this time. I was on the 7th wedge before I ran out of yarn on the first ball. So again I frogged it and re-knit it with 86 sts and it worked out pretty well with only a few grams of yarn left over. I think it'll be even more drapey when I block it.

Here's a picture of the only yarn shop I entered during my entire holiday. Case di Lana in Siena. We were walking to get our bus back to the hotel and had no time at all to explore the shop. I was in there for 15 seconds and then had to continue on my way. They sold crochet cotton, yarn, needlepoint canvases, books and pretty much any needlework supplies. 
While in Madeira, I found needlepoint kits way in the back of a souvenir shop. Again, I was in a hurry and grabbed a small project for myself. It only cost 8 Euros and contained a canvas and all the yarn for the design - just not the background yarn. The canvas wasn't painted, rather a single strand of yarn was woven horizontally where the diagonal stitches should go. One simply stitched over the horizontal stitches with the tapestry yarn.

Now I wish I had bought a couple more for gifts. They were locally made and excellent quality. Oh well, next time. (sigh)

1 comment:

  1. Geri I don;t know how you and DH pull off so much travelling and still look so great :-)
    Those first socks must be a Dutch pattern cause Katwijk is where DH and I ate a nice meal after we were married in Gouda.
