Friday 13 April 2012

Jet Lag

I'm back! Did you miss me? Did you wonder if I'd fallen off the face of the earth?

Skip and I got back on Sunday from an excellent adventure that included a 6-day Caribbean cruise, a 5-day transAtlantic crossing, a 6-day Mediterranean cruise, and a 6-day land tour in Italy (Tuscany and Rome). Then we had a 9 hour flight on Al Italia which seemed interminable and where we were served inedible food. I almost dared one of the flight attendants to eat what she had served me.

I will blog about some of our holiday but I'm still kinda pooped and just glad to be home. I've been taking it easy and aside from tackling "Mount Washmore", grocery shopping, petting the cat who really seemed to miss us (he didn't stop purring for a day and a half after we got back), visiting some of my friends, getting back to my regular schedule of spinning and knitting get-togethers, I haven't done very much. I also went back to rehearsing with the nearby concert band in preparation for our summer concert schedule.

I finished Wingspan and a pair of socks and started another pair on the trip but haven't any pictures of them to show yet.

What I can show is a pillowcase I made for my friend Aiden who turned 10 last month.
I used this tutorial and French seams to make it without any exposed raw edges.

I don't think he minded that his gift was my first time using this technique.
I liked the dragons and the blue flames.

I also sent him one of the earbud cases I made with the dancing cats. It was like this but with a black zipper.

We gained 6 hours returning from Rome on Sunday and still are feeling somewhat jet lagged. We tried to stay up late Sunday and Monday nights and were finally waking up at about 5:30am then going back to sleep for another hour or so. Last night we both went to bed at 9am and woke up at about 6am. So today I think we're almost caught up on our sleep AND re-adjusted to GMT -5. I did have a snooze on the couch this afternoon, though, so I could make it through the rehearsal without yawning every two minutes.

I will get some photos of my FOs and prepare some blog posts about our superb holiday.

Here are Skip and I in Funchal, Madeira with our ship, the MSC Poesia, in the background.
In Málaga, Spain our friends, David and Susan, and Skip and I happily found a place that sold churros and sipping chocolate. Yum!
And here we are in Firenze, Italia (Florence) at Piazza Michelangelo with il Duomo in the background by Skip's left ear. The person who kindly offered to take our photo didn't get the concept of framing the picture with us AND the Duomo clearly visible - sigh.


1 comment:

  1. As you know, Aidan adores both items that you made for him! He thinks you can do anything and I think he is right. Let me know when you open your Etsy shop!
