Wednesday 23 April 2008

Feliz Cumpleaños a Mi or "Apio Verde Tu Yu"

Today is my birthday and I had a lovely day. Skip and I went birding in the morning at Second Marsh adjacent to the General Motors Canada headquarters and Lake Ontario in South Oshawa (the 'Shwa or "Shwigity" as one of my former students calls it). We spotted a common tern, some goldfinches, some song sparrows, lots of red-winged blackbirds, what we think were Bonaparte gulls, flotillas of hooded mergansers and some tree swallows looking for a place to nest.

Here's Mr. Tree Swallow (tachycineta bicolor) looking over his domain.

Skip also took a picture of me trying to look like a real 'birder' with the spotting scope and tripod slung over my shoulder.

After our expedition, we went to the Imperial Chinese Buffet in Ajax for lunch. Mine was free because it was my birthday - I had to show photo ID to both the hostess and the server. The meal was very good! They could give the Mandarin a good run for their money and they're a couple of dollars cheaper as well.

I then dropped Skip off for his nap and headed to Michaels to buy a book I've been eyeing, "The Knitting Answer Book" using a 40% off coupon. I then went to Mark's Work Wearhouse and spent the gift card Skip gave me for my birthday - plus a bit more.

After returning home I was still full from lunch but managed to choke down 2 pieces of my birthday cake - my trademark Devil's Food with Reece's Pieces baked in it frosted with chocolate fudge icing. It's past 10:30pm and I'm still not hungry.

I finally successfully finished a sleeve to my Must Have Cardigan. I knit it to fit the armhole perfectly. I have frogged the other one and will work get it done in the next day or so. I will then get cracking on the button band.

I've been combing Ravelry for pattern ideas so I can buy some yarn at Kniterary with my birthday club discount. There's some yummy Berroco alpaca yarn that calls to me...

1 comment:

  1. Happy Belated Geri. Second Marsh is a good place to go for birds isn't it? I went down to Thickson's Woods on Monday and saw the baby owl. There was a Purple Finch but I only heard it. Soon it'll be great down there.
