Tuesday 21 September 2010

I Am Not A Shrimp

At the Knitter's Fair a couple of weekends ago, I bought 2 100g bags hand-painted of 50% superwash merino and 50% silk pencil roving from indigodragonfly. The colourway is called "I Am Not A Shrimp".  It kind of looks like intestines.

I spent most of last Saturday at the World Wide Spin In Public Day spinning the roving and most of this afternoon. This evening I finished spinning the last of it and plied it.
I wound it into an arty skein and took the measurements and have determined that it's 198g and 434 yd. That makes it DK weight. There was also a little 15g skein made from extra that was on one of the spools after I finished plying. Although not perfect, my spinning is getting more and more consistent and my plying is much improved, if I do say so myself.

I have no idea what I'm going to knit with this yarn but I'm going to admire it for a little while first.

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