Thursday 10 May 2012


One of our spinning group's members, Diane, is a member of the Shuttlebugs Weaving and Spinning Guild in Greenwood, ON. She was so enthusiastic about them she inspired Jennifer, Julia and me to check them out and perhaps join and learn to weave. They have Leclerc Dorothy table looms to loan us as we learn. They meet the 2nd Wednesday of the month so we attended the meeting this week.

Last weekend was WASOON - Weavers And Spinners Of Ontario North in Elliot Lake. The weaving and spinning weekend takes place every year rotating among the cities of northern Ontario.

Most of the meeting consisted of reports about WASOON by three members who attended.
At one of the workshops, they learned how to make toggle buttons from rolled up triangles of leather - the same way you'd roll up a crescent roll.
And every month there is a time for 'Show and Tell'. Here's a cute, little bookmark someone made.
The Shuttlebugs seemed pleased that the four of us were interested in learning their craft. They've arranged to have someone teach us how to weave and our first lesson will be on Monday, May 21.

What really inspired my interest in learning how to weave was seeing the lovely things on this blog. I really want to make this scarf. It only took one skein of Misti Alpaca Hand Painted Sock yarn!

On my way back home, I dropped into the Whitby Civic Recreation Complex to see if they were willing to allow the Whitby Spinners to use part of their space for our Monday night spinning get-togethers. The administrator I spoke to thought it would be a great idea and gave us a couple of areas to choose from in the building. I picked a spot where we'd be very visible but not in a major traffic zone. The best part of this is that it's not going to cost us anything as we are a not-for-profit community group. It's free!! Wheeee!!!

Tomorrow morning I'm going to attend the Alpaca Shearing and Wool Day at Windreach Farm. I'll be taking my wheel and hope to get the last of the lime green merino spun up. I'll try to remember to take some pictures.

1 comment:

  1. How exciting Geri!1 I so want to learn to weave someday when I can afford a decent sized Loom :-)
