Sunday 15 September 2013

2013 Knitter's Fair

I attended the Kitchener-Waterloo Knitters' Guild's Knitter's Fair on Saturday. This year it was held in a new venue, the Kitchener Auditorium.

Skip dropped me off and headed off to Guelph to have a visit with Scooter and check out his new dormitory lodgings. I joined the line of people to buy tickets (an increase of $2 to $7) and then the long lineup to head downstairs to the hall. There were 54 vendors in booths around the periphery of the hall and down the centre.

I met up with my knitterly friend, Jennifer, (as opposed to my spinnerly friend, Jennifer) in the lineup and while in the hall, made contact with my long-time friend from London, Cathy. Cathy gave me a set of delicate, beautiful stitch markers and a row counter.
My first purchase was at Wellington Fibres. I couldn't walk away without picking up this gorgeous skein of 80% mohair/20% wool colour-variegated yarn. It is more of a peacock blue (greener) than this shows.
Over at the Needle Emporium's booth I picked up this similar-coloured skein of Madelinetosh Prairie yarn. It is 800 yards of 100% superwash merino wool in the Cousteau colourway.
I can't remember where I purchased this Casbah sock yarn in what I believe is the Tidal Pool colourway.
These are the colours on the other side.
Over at The Black Lamb's booth, I noted a new yarn for sale. The norbouillet/mohair blend is fingering weight and very soft. I will have to decide what colour to dye it on Wednesday, my next dye day.
That's all I bought. My stash of lovely yarn is already so great. My task now is to find worthy projects for some of these lovely skeins.

After my purchases were complete and I had seen everything, Skip and Scooter picked me up and we went for lunch on the way out of town. Back at Scooter's dorm, I got to look around. It's a very nice setup (East Townhouses at Guelph U) with 3-storey townhouses each accommodating 4 students. On the ground floor is a kitchen and living room, on the second floor are 2 single bedrooms, a storage room, a room with a toilet and sink and a separate room with a tub and shower. The third floor is a duplicate of the 2nd floor. These lodgings are way nicer than the dorm I lived in my first two years at university. I think Scooter's dorm suits his needs just fine and he'll be very comfortable there.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Geri,
    I really missed being at the Knitter's Fair this year :-(
    The Norboulliet is something I have heard of...what is it like. Must be a Ramboulliet cross?
