Thursday 2 November 2017

Sewing Blitz

When I was at Rhinebeck a couple of weeks ago, I purchased this little zippered bag at That Clever Clementine's booth at the Friday night indie marketplace. I figured I'd be able to deconstruct it and make some of my own.
It has a continuous zipper.
At the stitching retreat, Amy figured out that it was a modified half-square triangle bag.

I made the first one as per the instructions, using two half squares then quilting them. I then boxed the corners. The bottom one was the prototype. I decided to add a pull tab on the other one and left it without boxing the corners.

I then decided to use only one fabric which cut down piecing time. Again, I boxed the corners of one of them and left the other as a square.
This is a great stash buster.

When you do the zipper this way, You can use each side for each bag. However, you do need to cannibalize a second zipper for the slider tab. Hints are given in the instructions to make it easier to slide the tab onto the zipper ends.
I then got inspired to make a couple with my treasured Peanuts fabric. First I quilted the square, going around each element.

I used a white zipper pull for one and a black one for the other.
I then photographed them artfully...
Only a 12" square is required from each fabric plus an 11" square of fusible batting. An 18" zipper gives you lots to work with and the tab from any other zipper is good for the second zip.

I then was inspired to make a couple of project bags from two fat quarters. These are the easiest thing to make and there are lots of videos and tutorials on the subject.
I cut the 18" x 22" fat quarters (outer and lining) into four 9" x 11" pieces. If the fabric is directional, keep the top at the zipper when sewing the sandwich of the outer fabric (face up), zipper (face down), and lining (face down) .

I just happened to have a grey zipper in my stash. Longer zippers are not a problem as they can be cut to any length.

I also had a pink zipper in my stash so didn't have to make any trips to the fabric store.
 These were made from identical sized pieces of fabric.
The size differential is created by a deeper or shallower boxing of the corners.

On the left, I made 2" boxes and only 1.5" boxes on the right.
The top opening is the same width in both.
At the stitching retreat, Jen showed us the covers she uses for her q-snap frames. Some call them 'grime guards'.

I improvised a pattern based on the measurements of her frames.
They whipped up in no time. I did have to go to the fabric store to buy the 1/4" elastic, though.
A smaller print is best to use so it can be seen.
After I made these, I found a tutorial.

I recently saw a video on making a zip bag from candy packages. I had saved a couple of the outer packages of bricks of coffee that we like to stockpile when we're down in the States.

I cut the pieces and attached zip and linings like I did for the project bags.
I didn't box the corners, although if I planned ahead, I could have cut the packaging wider to do this.
 I also didn't add vinyl as these 'bricks' have very durable packaging.
I added a neutral, fabric lining. And the zipper? I just happened to have a matching one in my stash.
I'm not sure what Skip will use it for but it slides in and out of his 'travel accessory bag' (man purse) very nicely.

After all that, I picked up my Bryggen stitching again and started some of the backstitching. There's still lots of that to do before I'll be done. I may stitch 'Bryggen'  'Bergen, Norway' and my name and date on the bottom. It will fit nicely into an 8"x 10" frame.
I'd love to be able to find stitchery pieces from all my favourite holiday places but for now, I'm happy with this one.

Tomorrow Jen1, Barb, and I are off on another road trip - this time to the Needler's Retreat at a resort near Gananoque. We're taking 3 workshops: steeking, knitting a thrummed mitten, and creating a sock yarn blanket. I need to pack...

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