Thursday 21 April 2011

Round Shawl

This is what Marion's shawl looked like after blocking. It measures 60" in diameter.
The beads are a perfect match to the yarn.
One thing that surprised me was how bad the wet shawl smelled. Does 100% silk always smell like that? I think the only silk I've blocked before was a blend. I even used eucalyptus scented Eucalan and it didn't help much if at all. No matter, Marion was pleased with the result.


  1. It's gorgeous! And yes, silk smells like that. Blech. But oh so pretty.

  2. I've heard that silk is rather... unpleasant smelling. Considering it comes out of the mouth of a silkworm, I guess that's to be expected! At least it smells better dry! It is lovely!

  3. I'm noticing a strong smell in the silk yarn I'm knitting with - I take it I can expect more, er, scent, when I dress it? Lol! Thanks for the "heads up". Lovely work there.
