Friday 12 October 2018

Hapsburg Lace

Barb and I ordered Hapsburg lace kits from Tanja Berlin.

Last night, I put masking tape on the sides of the fabric and stitched the top and bottom edges to the fabric tape on my scroll frame rods. The 18 count mono canvas shouldn't ever be folded so it's important to keep it flat or rolled.

Tanja's instructions are very easy to follow. I did read them all the way through so I could see how the finishing will ultimately done. I needed to know how and when the taped edges would be trimmed off and how much of the top and bottom will go through the bell pull hardware and how I ultimately will attach the fabric.

She clearly explained where to start the middle of the first snowflake. The masking tape on the left side can be seen.
I like the symmetry of each element. The large holes are made, not from pulling on the fabric as it's very stiff. Rather I am substituting a 2.5mm Knitter's Pride Karbonz knitting needle for the awl called for in the pattern.

I'm being careful not to run the perle cotton behind the canvas so it won't show through. I run the beginning tail underneath the stitching on the back.
A single snowflake could be done and made into a greeting card or tree ornament.

Tomorrow, Jen, Marilyn, and I are attending the Woodstock Fleece Festival - Woolstock. Then we're continuing on to London to check out the new location for Stitch-It Central which recently relocated there from Ingersoll. It will be a long day but should be very fun.

On Sunday afternoon, Diane and I are taking an appliqué felting class in Bethany. It will be fun to catch up with Diane whom I rarely see due to her busy work schedule.

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