Sunday 22 September 2024

A Crafty Day

Jen1 came over for some stitching today. She is working on a very large sampler from Long Dog Samplers.

We chatted about our upcoming guild retreat - when we plan to arrive, where we’ll eat the first night as the kitchen won’t be open until the next evening, what projects we think we’ll work on, etc. etc.

Using magnification, I continued working on the whitework piece I started last night. 

I had admired some whitework at Sharon’s home in her entryway. She told me it had been a gift from Sylvia. When I asked Sylvia where I could find the pattern, she told me it was from the Yvette Stanton book ‘Frisian Whitework’.

She told me it was this project but she had done it all in white.

Poppy loaned me the book and I raided my stash for the 28ct white linen and #12 B5200 Perle cotton.

My 3.0 magnifying reading glasses weren’t enough to stitch this comfortably last night so today I used the magnifier on my OTT lite and things went a lot better.
This will definitely be something I work on at our stitching retreat.

On a completely different topic, last week on Facebook, I found an online artist who was offering an online painting class - much like a paint night one would attend in person. 

It was going to be aired live on YouTube over three nights but the episodes could be saved and viewed at leisure indefinitely. This really appealed to me because I was not going to be able to participate live and all of this was only going to cost $10US.

Being a lover of sunflowers 🌻 , autumn, and autumnal colours, I quickly signed up. 

I debated starting it with all my stitching UFOs and lots of yard work to do but hey, what better things to do on a Sunday afternoon but go to Michaels for the supplies. I took inventory of the paints I already had (only 3 that would work for this project). I found the tracing paper, 20” x 16” canvas, an array of paint brushes, and the rest of the paint colours I need for this project.

Back at home, I printed out the template, and taped it together.

Then I put the tracing paper face down on the canvas and taped the template on top of it, then traced over the dark lines with a pencil. The lines transferred to the canvas.
Finally, I drew over the traced lines with a black sharpie as directed by the video.
The instructor said not to worry about such bold lines on the canvas as they all will be covered up with paint.

That’s all I decided to do on this tonight. I still have the wee Hobbes’ ear to crochet and the new Matlock pilot with Kathy Bates to watch.

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