Tuesday 7 September 2021

Much Better

After trying different threads and plies of threads on the navy 'Sashiko' project, I realize I just need a lower count fabric. 14ct navy Aida fabric arrived on my doorstep yesterday.

I like the result much better. (I need to clean my camera lens!)

I am stitching every stitch around each square. I takes a lot of time but is good to get it done before concentrating on some of the more challenging squares.

I have 29 hexagons knit plus 3 halves to complete the tops and bottoms of two of the columns. I have enough stash yarn to co that much. I will see what 35 (5 columns of 7 hexies) of them look like all laid out. If I need to, I'll get more yarn to knit another 14 to make it 7 columns. Or 7 columns of 8.

Today is the beginning of my 15th year of retirement from teaching highschool music and math. At every retirement workshop I attended we were urged to have something to 'retire TO'. I was fortunate to have started knitting obsessively the previous year and have picked up several other hobbies and crafts since then. 

Today I'm meeting a newly-retired friend for a 'To Hell With The Bell' lunch outdoors at a local eatery. It should be fun.

Lately there has been so much in the news about the trampling of women's rights: Taliban restricting them, Texas enacting very restrictive abortion laws, US women' soccer players not earning as much as men. I'm thinking I need to haul this out again.
I did destroy one when the previous twice impeached, indicted president was voted out of office but do have another one kicking around. We have come so far in so many ways but 1950s mentality is really steeped in 'American values'. Eff that.

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