Friday 3 August 2018


The last larva pupated yesterday - #22. Now we have pupae eclosing on a daily basis.

4 eclosed and were released yesterday. When I went to bed last night there were 3 dark pupae so I knew there'd be more eclosing this morning.

Sure enough, one had just emerged when I got up and after running an errand, two more had eclosed.

I've put them outside with the doors to the castles held open so they can fly away when their wings are strong enough and they decide to be free. Although there is cloud cover today, I have them under the deck umbrella so they don't get blasted by whatever sun we do get.
There are three other dark pupae. They may emerge today but generally they emerge in the morning.

We are up to 13 adults so far. A little more than halfway done for this season. There was a mishap with the masking tape IDs and I've been too busy to hang around to see if the recent adults have been male or female.
With no more larvae to feed, it's just a matter of waiting for the last ones to eclose and be released.

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