Wednesday 21 August 2019


I have become quite fond of donkeys. Skip and I used to visit and feed a donkey on a nearby farm and I have visited 3 donkey sanctuaries - the Donkey Sanctuary of Canada in Guelph, the PrimRose Donkey Sanctuary near Roseneath and the Donkey Sanctuary Bonaire off the coast of Venezuela.

A couple of my Tuesday night friends are avid crocheters. Jen4 is a real whiz and can whip up almost anything without a pattern. When she learned I loved donkeys she decided she would make me one. Her first effort, according to her husband, looked like a moose. So she went back to the drawing board. Last week I showed her a photo of one I'd seen in an amigurumi book.

She showed up this week with a finished one! And he's gorgeous! I'd already named him Platero when I saw the photo of it she sent me on the weekend.
Isn't he just the cutest?
In university Spanish class I studied a story by Juan Ramón Ramírez called "Platero y Yo" about a sweet, little donkey in Spain.

According to Wikipedia: 

 “Platero ("silvery") is described in the lyric prose of the book as a "small donkey, a soft, hairy donkey: so soft to the touch that he might be said to be made of cotton, with no bones. Only the jet mirrors of his eyes are hard like two black crystal scarabs."

The little donkey remains a symbol of tenderness, purity and naiveté, and is used by the author as a means of reflection about the simple joys of life, memories, and various characters and their ways of life.” 

 As soon as I saw its photo on the weekend, I knew I needed to name him Platero.
He's very photogenic.

I'm amazed at what Jen4 can do with some yarn and a crochet hook.

Thank you so much, Jen, for making me such a cute donkey!

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