Friday 19 July 2024

The Flower Petals are Next

Last night while watching the Simone Biles documentary on Netflix, I finished stitching the receptacles/calyx' of the cornflowers.

I also got the last leaves done using one strand each of the medium and light green on one, and on the other, using two medium strands. Close up, the fishbone stitches look pretty even - if I do say so myself.

The burgundy thread (one strand) doesn't show up that well on the tips of each 'diamond'. I'm not going to worry about it. 

I'm so excited I can start stitching the blue cornflower petals.

I got a bunch of yard work done this morning now that the temperatures have come down to a reasonable level. I filled another half of a yard waste bag with the creeping vegetation from my neighbour's yard. There is still a lot to tidy up and throw away in the side yard but they will be tasks for other days.

There is new, beautiful soil in one of our composters that I need to dig out then can start putting kitchen scraps in there again. We do have compostable recycling but I only use it for bones and meat products as everything else can go in the composter.

I also am very vigilant about yanking out dog strangling vine and putting it right in the garbage. It is one of Ontario's most invasive species. It can grow 2m high and entwine itself around fences, trees, and other plants.

I try and catch it before the seed pods appear but usually it's the pods that make it very identifiable. If you see it anywhere, destroy it. Pull it out and throw it in the garbage. 

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