Sunday 4 May 2008

Packing Again...

I'm making lists and getting ready to pack for a wee birding trip to Point Pelee for a couple of days. It's a mecca for birders as Point Pelee is the first landfall for many types of migrating birds at this time of the year - particularly warblers. We've booked an escorted birding tour and plan to do some on our own as well.

Last night was James' piano recital. He performed his pieces very well - Für Elise by Beethoven and a Bourée by Telemann.
I continue to work on the second Good 'n Plenty sock. I'm doing the eye of partridge heel flap right now.

The French Market Bag is also still being worked on. The stocking stitch is fairly mind-numbing but will be perfect for the 4.5 hour drive. I just found this cute washcloth pattern as well. I'll take the pattern and materials with me. When we get back, I'm going to block the Must Have Cardigan pieces and get the shoulders stitched together so I can get the button band done.

Now to find binoculars, the GPS, the camera battery charger, the iPod charger, my birding book, etc., etc. Oh yeah, and my clothes and stuff, too!

1 comment:

  1. OMG he is getting tall - makes you look like a runt - VI
