Saturday 31 May 2008

Sex and the City Surprises!

Yesterday was finally THE day - the opening of the "Sex and the City Movie" in Toronto. I met my two longtime (notice I didn't say 'old') girlfriends/sorority sisters downtown for the 6:20pm showing. I had bought the tickets online so wasn't perplexed when I saw that all the showings of the movie were sold out when we got to the theatre. Nancy and I got there early enough to be about 15th in line for our showing so we got great seats - halfway up on the aisle. Lorna met us there. When Lorna arrived, she broke out the plastic cosmopolitan (margarita) glasses and I broke out the booze. Since the mixture included Cointreau it made it sickeningly sweet. I had also brought a bottle of carbonated water to 'cut' the sweetness.

When we opened the bar at our seats, the two gals beside us enviously complimented us on being so well prepared. When I turned to speak to them, I recognized one of the women as a sorority sister I hadn't seen in over 30 years. I identified myself and my two companions and she remembered us (who could have forgotten us?). I was about to ask about her sister and realized that it was her sister that was sitting with her. How freaky is that? So we had a power catch-up session on what we've been doing the last 30+ years before the movie started. What are the odds of us sitting in the same row, in the same theatre (which I've never been in before) at the same showing? (cue the theme from 'Twilight Zone'). We agreed to go for dinner or have some kind of get-together when Francey comes up from Georgia in September for our PEI trip.

Carolyn and Diane Wood

Anyway, I LOVED the movie. I realize it isn't the world's greatest cinematographic feat but I loved seeing all the characters and what they've done with themselves in the intervening years. I loved the costumes. And I loved the theme of love and HOPE and FRIENDSHIP. I wish I hadn't seen the trailer beforehand as it gave away too many of the plot details but was still surprised at some of the plot twists. And I LOVED seeing Chris Noth on the 'big' screen (thumpeta, thumpeta).

Lorna gave me the Sex and the City book (currently available at Costco) with synopses of all 6 seasons as well as trivia questions about each season and hundreds of pictures. And now I have a commemorative Sex and the City cosmopolitan (margarita) glass.

Nancy and I got the GO train home and I took the bus home from the station. It was my first time riding a bus outside of Toronto in over 30 years. At midnight, our transit system offers a 'shuttle' rather than running all the routes with only 1 or 2 passengers. Basically, the shuttle drops all passengers from all routes off at their bus stop. As Skip commented, " It's a 65 cent taxi". It was safe and very efficient and mine was the first stop.

It was an excellent 'girls night out' and we have pledged to do it again for the 'Mamma Mia' movie coming out in July.

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