Monday 19 August 2024

It Feels Like Fall Today

I got back early this afternoon from dropping Frény off and a nice couple of days with my niece, Rosa, and her husband, Darryl. They are very amiable hosts whenever I blow into town.

It is significantly cooler today. I could have even worn my hoodie if I had spent much time outside.

Back at home, I did a little garden tour and was so pleased to see that one of my sunflowers was actually blooming! This variety will only grow to about 4 feet high.

And it’s the medium-sized one! The big one looks ready to bloom any time.

I’m so pleased with these gaillardia (blanket flowers) that I got on sale at the grocery store. The two plants are still in the pot as I haven't decided where to plant them yet.

The bees and other insects LOVE the blooms. I deadhead the spent flowers, then lots of buds prepare to bloom.

Kim from my Tuesday night craft group gave me several well-established cherry tomato plants. They and my other plants have done well with my daily watering through the various heat waves we've had. I’ll be picking fruit in a few days.
This is another flower I bought late in the season. The tag called it osteospermum - a type of daisy.

The black-eyed Susans just do not quit. I’m going to divide them and move some shorter plants in front of them.
I do have a lot of yellow flowers. Will work on more of a variety of colour for next year. 

The basil was also well-established when I purchased it. Handsful will be put into the roasted tomato sauce I plan to make when the beefsteak and Roma tomatoes ripen. I have to keep an eye out for the basil starting to flower and literally 'nip them in the bud'. That way, tender leaves will continue to grow.

Skip used to make pesto with oil and garlic. We still have frozen basil 'pucks' ** in the freezer from last year. I may make more and just give them away.

As much as I enjoy having houseguests and being a houseguest, I do enjoy doing my own thing at home, too. My stitcherly friends are coming for the day tomorrow, then Scooter on Wednesday. Breakfast with friends is planned for Thursday. Lots to keep me busy and it's all good.

** basil 'pucks' are made by chopping up basil in a food processor with a bit of olive oil. Then press the mixture into mini muffin tins and freeze. Once hardened, pop them out of the muffin tins and into a Ziploc bag and toss in the freezer. Fresh basil can be enjoyed that way until then next growing season.

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