Sunday 11 August 2024

Stitch Day at Lemonville Community Centre

Yesterday was Kimat Designs' stitch day at the Lemonville Community Centre near Stouffville. Victoria skillfully drove us to the event.

I got a lot of stitching done between bouts of eating and visiting with folks at my table and at other tables.

Mostly, work was done on Maggie Mae. I got her head, cardigan sleeves, and fore paws done.

One of the stitches in those little spaces on her dress will be a lovely teal thread.

There was a show and share table. I took my Hands On Design Block Party HOME pincushion, 
embroidery hoop box,
and recently-completed Cornflower Scissor Envelope.

Also on display...

It was a full day of stitching - from 10am to about 4:30pm. Lunch, refreshments and treats were provided. Kim and Meagan had a mini shop set up as well as Lori and Emily Pengelly from Pansy Patch Quilts and Stitchery and Blueberry Ridge respectively, with some of their cross-stitch charts and new releases.

I really enjoyed spending the day this way. 

I was really hungry when I got home but I had been invited to Sue's nephew's place in Oshawa for dinner. I headed right over there and spent a lovely evening with Sue, her daughter, Erin, nephew Craig, and his wife, Maria. There was lots of hilarity and reminiscing. This September will mark the 50th year since I met Sue when she moved into our sorority. We kept in touch after uni because she only lived an easy drive away from me. We carpooled to annual retreats with some other sorority sisters, attended each others' weddings, and experienced many other life events together. 

After delicious Greek takeout dinner, generously provided by Erin, we sat around the backyard fire pit. The six of us told stories about our families and all agreed that friendships are chosen and maintained and can really provide such enrichment to our lives. I am so grateful for my friendship with Sue and Erin and was so happy to make the acquaintance of our amiable hosts, Craig and Maria. 

It was The. Best. Day. I'd had in a long time. So grateful...

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