Monday 21 February 2022

Hummingbird Biscornu

I have finished most of the stitching on the first side of the hummingbird biscornu except for the backstitching around the border which I will do in pink.

There will be beads in the middle of the purple and the small and large blue 'flowers'. Am also considering black beads for the hummingbirds' eyes. I have clear beads with silver centres in my stash that I'll use for the flowers.

The other side will be the same except no beads on the eyes or flowers around the inner part. Only beads on the big blue flowers. 

I found a tube of 28ct tea dyed linen at the big box craft store which will work for all the pieces. It's fairly large count compared to what I usually stitch on but much easier to see for stitching in the evenings.

No pics today but I have finished the leg, heel, and decreases for the foot of the second helix sock. A couple more TV sessions and I'll have the second sock done.

I need to make a couple more project bags but I need to muster some oomph to get myself going on them. They're not difficult and I have all the materials, I just need to get moving on them.

All is calm in Ottawa again. Now comes the aftermath. Challenge to the Emergency measures, bail hearings for those who were arrested, frozen bank accounts, etc. etc. A lawyer's dream. We grownups are pleased to see that there are finally consequences to these actions. Protests are one thing but blockades and threats to the life and livelihoods of residents is quite another.

I didn't watch any Olympics at all except the controversial women's figure skating long program on YouTube and the very beginning of the women's 30k cross-country skiing. The timing just wasn't right or the occupation of Ottawa took my attention away from it. I'm so disgusted with the IOC continuing to allow cheaters to compete. My heart just wasn't in it this time.

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