Monday 21 March 2022

Wessex FFOd and a Cheat

 I consulted with Jeanette today at lunch about the extra fusible batting that was in my Wessex needlebook kit. We agreed with Sylvia (with whom I had consulted earlier) that it wouldn't be used - only the fusible interfacing to stabilize the stitching before sewing the little needlebook together.

I stitched the front and back together through one side of the four-sided stitching around the edge. I used a fabric glue stick to tack down the seam allowance to keep it out of my way.

I made the cording for the closure with several strands of the Sulky thread and actually remembered to embed it in the seam as I was sewing the pieces together.

I didn't bother putting my initials or the date inside.
Whip stitching the back and front together was not hard, it just takes time to make sure to go under the thread and not pierce it.

Then came the task of stitching the 'spine' of the needlebook. I tried the proscribed way by poking through the same spot on the front and back and found it to be WAY too tedious so I cheated. I just stitched the zig zags on the inside, then the outside, not worrying that I wasn't attaching the back to the front on the fold line.  When I go to finish the second Wessex needlebook, I'll do the diamonds before sewing the back and front together. I also attached a bead for the closure. It's good to do this once the 'pages' are in place so proper placement can be determined based on the ultimate thickness of the book.
I then sewed the wool felt pages in place with matching thread. I don't feel guilty at all about not doing the zigzags correctly, they're not even seen on the inside.
I like that by sheer coincidence the colours are very Ukrainian-esque.

It was a lot of work for an itty bitty needlebook but I really enjoyed all the stitching.

I have the second one to finish but am going to give it a rest for now. I have many, many WIPs to work on and another scissor case to finish.

Spring is finally here. Today was nice and sunny but snow is predicted for the day after tomorrow. No matter. It won't last long and it probably won't even need to be shovelled. Bright, sunny, warm days are ahead.

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