Saturday 16 April 2022

Sketchy Instructions

I'm muddling along on the Wessex Hussif. The instructions are very sketchy. The stitch diagrams don't refer to where they actually are on the chart. I don't really knot if I"m doing thigs correctly. 

I tried to start to stitch the saying that goes along the top and the Sulky thread just seems too big, I will have to re-design the saying using cross stitches instead of just back stitches.

I finished all the white 'stars' and stitched the blue crosses in between them. I could have just run long blue lines and couched them with the cross stitches but instead, I stitched every arm of the cross into the centre then did the cross stitches. I have no idea if that is what was supposed to have been done.

I have started the yellow crosses on top of the white fly stitches. Instead of going down into the centre, I'm doing a diagonal, long-tail fly stitch on one arm of the yellow, going down into the fabric then wrapping the thread around the tail then back down to make it look like the other end of the 'arm'. 
I got tired of doing that stitch so will go back and tackle more of the multiple long-tailed, woven, daisy stitches. They're kinda fun in small doses.
But for now, I will take a break and plan my next stitching start because I always have to have something new to look forward to.

I went to the local big box store this morning to have a look at a couple of watercolour instruction books I'd been searching out online. The online inventory said they had two of them but when I got to the store, neither was in stock at that store. I did buy one that looks like fun. 

Some of the projects looked like ones I'd enjoy doing and the amount of time required for painting (15 minutes) is about right for my attention span. 

I also popped into Curry's to see if they had any transfer paper (for tracing onto watercolour paper) but they were out of stock. I'm not good at drawing (I've never really tried to do it well) so transferring outlines would be perfect for me. I'll have to see if I can source it elsewhere.

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