Friday 15 April 2022

This is Going to Take a Long Time

I did some more work on the Wessex hussif.

These are fly stitches arranged in a circle. I have 3+ rows of these to finish. Then there's another colour laid on top.

I did the blue 'x's. An alternative method is to go down into the centre hole with each arm of the 'x'. I chose to do the long arms, then the crosses are added over top.

This stitch involves long-tailed daisy stitches, anchored with long vertical stitches. Then the horizontal bars are woven through the vertical ones. Then the thread is woven all around the woven part and pulled to bunch up the centres. There will also be yellow ones which will remind me of sunflowers.

The piece is big and there are a lot of repetitions of each element. I should be pretty good at each one by the time I get finished - which won't be any time soon.

Lettering goes in the blank space at the top. Given the colours I picked they should be yellow but the blue will show up better so that is what I'll do.

I also finished the rest of the diagonal running stitches on the right side.

I like the precision of this kind of counted work. It is time-consuming, though. 

I want to start the triangular scissor case I designed based on the Giulia Manfredini biscornu.

Stay tuned.

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